Saturday, 17 April 2010

So, nu? Where are the squares?

Just to give you a teasy sort of view of how the Lorax Project is starting to shape up, here are some of the squares. Some are pre- some are post- and some are mid-connection... yes, even though it is not quite May 1st, I have started putting this baby together as the pieces come in... otherwise, it would never get finished before the end of the school term.... besides May 1st is not just International Workers' Day, this year it also is Shabbat. (Kind of a conflicting theme going on there, don't you think?)

This gives you a pretty good glimpse of how this is going to get put together. First, I must find 4 squares that actually 'go together'.... visually (colour, balance, theme) as well as spatially...
(they are not all 4"x4" or 8"x8"
... so it is a wee bit of a puzzle fixer upper at times).

Then I block them individually.
Then I crocheting them together a la granny square...
Then they get blocked again.
Then I crochet them into a 'finished' four-some...
Then, if the knitting and crocheting gods are in a laughing,
mocking, na-na-na-boo-boo kind of mood,
I block them yet again
in a sort of holy trinity blocking mikvah kind of way
....yes, yes, I know you are sighing with jealousy,
but, alas, not everyone can have this much fun on a Saturday night....
you just gotta be super lucky and fancy free like me.
But, yes, you too can live and dream like the Rebel Knitter....
make me a square!
Meredith & one other square

recycled wool & silk & banana fibre + one of Jodi's awesome diva crochet stitching

Janet's groovy knit + one flower (hand painted New Zealand wool)

when I pulled this back because it looked like there was a slight conflict in the Arctic & Atlantic waters (hmmm - do you think this could have had something to do with that whole Iceland affair?) Any interruptions during this process received a sharp "shushing" from yours truly: Keep quiet, please, can't you see Mummy's trying to save the world here?

You are right.
I haven't blogged in a while.
I guess, I was holding out for you to start crocheting me a square.
Yay... it worked.
And just because you actually dug deep into the back of your closet to find your yarn & hook, here are some more visuals to inspire you to hook on...

The Mazel Tov Magen David in reverse stocking knit motif.
Four. Four. Four times the love.

"Unless" -- My favorite single word directly from the realm of Seuss' Lorax.
The Tikuun Hamsa: Repair & Protect
Last week someone asked me some excellent questions about the project:
Q: Huh? Why are you doing this?
A: Community spirit, community action & to make right the wrongs of the evil knitter 'The Oncler" (see blog entry of March 14th)
Q: Why not all the same yarn? all the same patterning? uniformity? etc.
A: This project is about pluralism, inclusiveness and the mosaic that makes up our micro & macro communities. It's what I love about my children's school, the city & country in which we are fortunate to live.

Q: Why is it called the Lorax Project?
A: Seriously? OMG, you haven't yet read it? I some how missed out on it as a child & was lucky enough to have children who are Seuss fans. Run, don't walk. Get to a library f-a-s-t!

Monday, 12 April 2010

Lorax Project Update

The squares are starting to really come in now.
I am still not entirely certain how 'big' this baby is going to get.
Will start posting some photos soon.
