Time to teach a whole new crop of children (yes -- I feel as though I am planting seeds!) how to knit.
This session I am handing out a flier:
I have finally admitted to myself that it's not that bad to get the kids to memorize a short little rhyme or two as a learning aid. It's not like it's the 7 times table, after all.
It's all fun and games until someone drops a stitch... but no worries, we call those 'design elements' ... kids can get quite hung up about missing or extra stitches... Trust me, get them not to worry about it too much when they are just beginning... Don't be afraid to let them frog it back -- they love it, by the way... frogging (undoing the work) can be cathartic and teaches them many things beyond yarn and needles.
Sometimes even Math.
Shhh... don't tell them that. They think it's just a craft or hobby.
But we knitters know that knitting is:
*great for fine motor skill development
*great for putting math skills into a visual result
*a life skill
*cheap therapy
and most of all ridiculously rewarding.