Sunday, 30 October 2016


Every year I feel enormous pressure to carve a cool pumpkin. 

I live in a neighbourhood bursting with creative types... and we have an annual Pumpkin Festival on November 1st each year.  So, yeah... a few triangles and a candle just don't cut it in my hood.  Yup. 36 years after graduating from high school... I am still succumbing to peer pressure. 

It's kind of ironic that I didn't carve a jack-o-lantern until I was in my 40s -- and not my early 40s at that.  My mishpocheh did not do pumpkin carvings. No pumpkin pie. Not even pumpkin kugel. Nada... and today I keep saying I'm Jewish, not Druish but my hood doesn't care.  So it's game on.

This year's carving is knit-inspired (hence the blog entry) and dedicated to all my Wooly Mamas and knit geek friends out there in virtual knit land...

Knit Free
Hand holding knitting needles
or die

Cool Panoramic - yeah, offspring #2 showed me how to do this

Hope the #^*%! squirrels don't eat it before Tuesday evening's festival....

As a dot dot dot ... here's a quick look at some of the pumpkins of Halloweens past... 

2015: Hamsa

2013: SkulLOL
2011: Skull Haunted House & OY VEI (in hebrew lettering)
2012: Owl & Che ... cuz... yeah.

2014: pressured to do two.. Dracula & The iPumpkin

Friday, 28 October 2016

It's not about blocking the haters... it's about hating to block...

Honestly.  I know I will need to block the bejeezers out of these puppies for them to end up measuring the exact same size... 

There's the lesson right there: same yarn, same knitter, same number of stitches and rows... different amounts of stress when knitting the Hamsa side and the Tree of Life side. 

And so I become Rosie the knitting Riveter ...

We Can Block it... Yes, We Can!

Thursday, 6 October 2016

...and so it begins again.

Ideas are taking form.
The yarn was purchased long ago.
Let the Bar Mitzvah knitting commence.