Thursday, 5 January 2017

The Trump Effect:

There's no nice way to say this: The Donald winning the US election felt like a kick to my lady parts.

Personally, I had wanted to go on a media news fast on Election Day, but my kids are political news junkies (at ages 12 and 17!) ... and I had a feeling they would need an emotional chaperone through that evening; serves me right for raising social justice peaceniks.

When things started to tank around 10:45pm / 11pm Toronto-time I made them turn off the TV.  The next morning, I woke up and checked my device for the results and felt the world drop from beneath me.

1st thought: expletive expletive expletive. 
2nd thought : what am I going to tell my children?

I wanted to curl up and scream... but d*mn it. .. I am a parent and had to 'get my adult on' and be calm, collective and reassuring.

Parenting sucks.

My 17 year old daughter woke up before I got upstairs. I didn't have to tell her. I heard her weeping.  She let me hug her... and she never lets me hug her these days. I didn't end up telling my 12 year old son.  The daughter pushed past me and crawled into bed with him. She broke the news.

Like I said, we are Canadian.

This should matter less to us.

But it doesn't.  American friends: we are your neighbours.  We care about you. We care about the world.

One friend suggested I pick up my yarn and sticks and embark on a knit campaign much like I did back in the day of Rob Ford.  True, Ford was my 'muse' (see my blog posts from December 2011 - 2013), but the upcoming Trump Era feels darker... far more sinister and menacing.

Then I read about The Women's March on Washington and The Pussyhat Project and then beautiful serendipity struck.  I discovered that a gym friend is a member of Democrats Abroad and is heading to D.C. soon for the January 21st March on Washington.  Lovely Julie was thrilled that I offered to make her a hat.  What she does not know yet is I made two.  One for her friend as well.

I am not thrilled about inauguration day but I feel empowered about the day after!

Sending love (and a couple of hats) from North of the Border
Rebel Knitter x ♡ o ♡ x