Tuesday, 29 May 2007

The Knitter's Blessing

The Knitter’s Blessing //
Birkat HaSaroget

All you need to do is watch “Fiddler on the Roof” to see that there are Jewish blessings for almost everything. Mottel the Tailor asks the Rebbe to bless his sewing machine upon its arrival in the shtetl… and yes, there appears to be one….

There are blessings on the home, on businesses, candle lighting blessings. Blessings for an easy birth. Blessings for a boy. For a girl. For a girl or boy so that they should sleep at night (so that the parent can sleep – we Jews aren’t meshugge after all…) Blessings for success, for Bat Mitzvahs, Bar Mitzvahs, physicians’ prayers, lawyers’ creeds, for the woman of valour. There are blessings for the traveler, for the dead, for the living, and for the sick…. and, according to Norman Jewison a prayer for sewing machines.

So, when in search of a knitter’s prayer/blessing did I ask my Rabbi? No. I’m a modern day Jew. Instead, I googled “Knit+Prayer” and “Knit+Blessing”. All I could find was this very Christian one (mummy and daddy would say not to use the word goyesher)…..

"Ladies and gentlemen, let us bow our heads for a moment of prayer ... In Yarn's name, we pray ... our Knitter, who art in yarn shop, hallowed be thy name, thy knitdom come, thy yarns be knit, on earth as it is in thy LYS. Give us this day our daily knit and forgive us our dropped stitches as we forgive those who interrupt our knitting. And lead us not to break our yarn diet, but deliver us from acrylic, for thine is the pattern, and the gauge swatch and the knitting forever and ever, amen."(apologies - i couldn't resist.) Posted by Anne from Kniterati.org/blogspot

So after a little bit of Talmudic blessing research and a smidgen of googling I offer to you the Birkat HaSaroget:

May you knit to see your fabric fulfilled
with your yarn and pattern aligned in harmony.
May your stitching be straight and sure
and your eyes not strained....
May your vision be guided by the Torah's lamp

(but pe pe pe, don't sit so close that your gauge swatch catches fire)

May your cables be tidy, your increases discrete;
and your frogging not a plague.
And may you rush in eagerness to hear the words of the learned ones
in the latest knitting publications.


Jewish Knitting....

Meditations of a Jewish Knitter
By Rebel Knitter

I wrote this little thing called Knittishisms...
Actually, it is my Manifesto.

If ad agencies and corporate bureaucrats can subscribe to a company Manifesto, can't a poor shlep like me?

Here's an important bit on Kosher Knitting:

Kosher Knitting

In the words of one of my closest Jewish knitting friends, Beryl Tsang:

“Friends don’t let friends knit kippot on shabbes”.

Okay, so Beryl is Chinese, so, nu like this is a problem?

In Deuteronomy, Chapter 14, the clean and unclean beasts are named – it is from this which Kosher and Non-Kosher food is derived. But wool mixed with linen, oink, bunny and goat hair IS NOT what I define as the character of Trayf yarn. Trayf yarn is chaloshes yarn. It is that nasty, synthetic, non-novelty fibre so readily available in dollar stores and big box superstores. Essentially, it grosses you out when you touch it. Often, if you knit with it and drop a stitch, you will never see that stitch again.

Regrettably, most little girls, regardless of their ethnic orientation, really dig pink and purple trayf yarn.

Q: So, what to do?

A: Only knit trayf yarn with really cheap plastic or noisy aluminum needles – never bamboo or birch. Whereas my friends have their milk, meat and Passover dishes, I have bamboo, metal, good plastic and trayf plastic knitting needles. It seems only appropriate.

Q: If you keep a kosher knitting home, can you only knit trayf yarn outside the home? Perhaps at Beryl’s?

A: No. Beryl is Buddhist. She has moral objections to trayf yarn as well. Knitters must decide for themselves what makes them ethically centered with their faith and their yarn. Only from this can one make a relaxed choice as to how to live blissfully as a modern kosher knitter.


This is just a little blurby of it... I will post more, including images, on a later post...