Wednesday, 29 April 2009

So, Nu? What's New?

It's amazing. No matter how many things I cross off the knitting to-do list, the list just never gets finished. It's probably a combination of the fact that I keep adding to the list, and that small matter of the fact that the stash keeps growing. I really don't know how this happened, really.
NB: Always have one credit card that your partner neither knows about, nor sees the statement of -- this is the VISA or MASTERCARD on which you buy their gifts (they don't need to know how much or how little things cost). And your gifts. I call my personal VISA my yarn card. Miraculously, this card was recently upgraded to Platinum, while our joint card is still at the 'regular' rating. I really don't know how this happened, really.
Here are some of the tchatchkehs (thing-a-ma-jiggies & whatzits) that have been keeping me from finishing my not-finished-yet cardigan & my IDF hats.
First: the cast cosy I made for Jodi, who really was the coolest mum on the hill that Sunday afternoon, snowboarding for the first time along side her 3 spunky boys, until she wiped out and broke her wrist.
And then there was this knitted bunny I made for me sweet little buddy Harry who turned 1 this month. The H.W. are indeed his monogram, although, I like to say they stand for "Hawwy's Wabbit".
Ziggy. My darling son goes through the knees of his jeans at an alarming rate. Here's a new trick I figured out. Knit a little intarsia square/rectangle in a good quality DK cotton. And Voila: Really cool knee patch. He calls these his Star & Pirate pants, respectively. And yes... I too think it's really interesting that, so far, it's only the right knee of every pair of pants I have had to repair... sharper knee cap on that side? Actually, I have the Superbowl to blame. Ever since Ziggy saw the Boss slide across the stage during the half-time show.... he's been a rabid Springsteen fan. But, man, my kindergarten kid sure can ROCK!

And now what?
Well, I've been called up for jury duty selection and plan to get a lot of knitting accomplished that week. I really don't feel like I have the time to sit around determining the fate of another human being. Besides, who am I to decide Guilty or Not? To date my only judgements I have passed has been Knitter or Not?
To expedite a prompt dismissal as an unfair and unjust juror, I plan to shlep a really big bag of knitting along, mention often that I like pigeons & kittens and that I like to knit them little sweaters. Or I shall use Madame Defarge as my prototype as see how far that gets me. More to follow. Hey, maybe I can finally finish that Aussie-Merino sweater now that the weather is turning warm. Talk about not fair!

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

When you feel like your world is coming down around you. Yarn can save your life!

For those of you who know my thoughts on the health benefits of knitting. You will love this story.

In the horrible aftermath of the recent Italian earthquake comes this report: 98 year old Maria D'Antuono was retrieved from her collapsed bedroom alive 30+ hours after the initial quake -- how did she spend her time while waiting to be retrieved from the rubble? With her yarn & hook! Yup - crocheting! AP & CBC reported that she knit to pass the time, but alas all other news reports stated it was crochet; whatever -- another reason to cross-train, Wooly!
Yarn can save your life.

Maria, you rock!
They articles never said if they rescued her needlework as well.
I think she should frame it!
Plus -- re: Health Benefits of Knitting/Crocheting -- the woman is 98-years old - nuff said!