Monday 3 May 2010

Day Three... and counting

When I explain to parents the benefits of teaching children how to knit, I mention that some of the fabulous skills they can learn or build on (almost by accident) are: attention to detail, creative expression, focus, fine motor skill development, math, and yes, even patience.

In this world of instant gratification -- and let us not forget that our children know ONLY a world of this kind.... a world of emails, touch-tone dialing, skype, texting, mobile phones and on-demand-in-flight-entertainment -- and this world of automation -- of remote controlled everything (including self dispensing soap & self flushing toilets) -- for them this is normal... In this world, learning the virtues of patience, long-term planning & perseverance through the art of knitting can be a subversive, fun way to teach these difficult 'old fashioned' foreign concepts.

So, when one of my 'ace' knitters came up to me this afternoon with a "Is it done yet?" I thought he was kidding! No. He was serious.

The plain and simple answer is: NO, J it's not done yet. But I am working on it. For goodness sake, it's only May 3rd. I was casting off L's square not 7 minutes prior to your question, and I arrived home 20 minutes after that to a paper bag stuffed into my mailbox with someone else's endeavor.

Besides 20x20 cm seems to be a highly hypothetical concept these days, it seems.... Rebel's got a serious balancing act playing itself out here...

Memo to self: remind kids to slow down and breathe.... remind myself to drink more coffee & crochet faster....

Here are some more pics of some more of the new squares.....

Lots & Lots of iddy biddy squares (sweet!)

This used to be Jen's white cotton with her permission, I dyed it using tea bags (orange pekoe, in case you are interested) -- btw, it was her idea.

Debbi's fab crochet

Osnat with Jade (awesome!)

Tanya's Jazzy Knit

Hope in English, Hebrew, Japanese, French & Sanskrit (using organic cotton, milk fibre, pima cotton, tencel, sugarcane fibre, seacell, merino wool, alpaca wool, & soysilk)

And there are many more squares.... stay tuned....

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