Saturday 4 April 2015

100 Days, a Passover Seder, a blanket, pillow, infinity scarf and a couple of pair of socks later....

Tick tock.

Time has passed.

It has been 100 days since the "triple axel, double flip" which left me in a cast.  9 weeks in a cast and 5 weeks of physio thus quickly life can change in a split second.

Thanks to the miracle worker (a.k.a: Jocelyn, my P.T.) I was able to prepare for the holidays, in much the same manner as always.  I cooked all the traditional Seder foods, peeled potatoes, carrots, and horseradish, zested and squeezed a lemon and cleaned up afterwards.  

I won't lie - I am sore.. not just the wrist - I'm sore all over... but that's just normal after hosting a Seder, right?

100 days has helped me see who is the kind of person to jump in and help when I need them the most, and who .. well ... isn't.  What an eye-opener.  There were a couple of surprises -- both good ones as well as disappointments.  But mostly it was me who surprised myself.  I know I can be stubborn (many of you enjoy reminding me of this) 

But guess what?
Stubborn = Determined. 

I figured out how to do most things all by myself.  I didn't give up.  Tears were shed when I was frustrated, but they were 50% pain, 50% emotions; like when it hurt too much to play guitar or piano -- actually I think those tears were 75% emotional.  In calmer moments, realizing that I could, in fact, knit a fair isle piece, and it was a form of retraining finger muscles, those moments felt more triumphant than painful.

It was "hmmmm, I wonder if could do this?" pondering which led me to my latest knitting project.

I have always steered clear of toe-up socks.  Perhaps it is because I like the rhythm and math of a cuff down sock - or maybe it's just that I am so familiar with the expected basics of 'cuff-down' that the coding is permanently imbedded in my knitting brain.  What better moment, then, than this to seek a toe-up sock challenge? Also, I have never knit a pair of matching items in tandem. 

I think I will call these the Carpe Diem Socks.

Embrace everything, even the challenges of the day.  Dare to try so you can trust your abilities, even when it hurts. (D*mn, that was schmaltzy! Must be all the holiday carbs...)

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